


  • 主演:艾瑞克·布里登,馬里昂·羅斯,蘇珊·克拉克  
  • 導演:約瑟夫·薩金特  
  • 分類(lèi): 科幻片
  • 地區:美國
  • 年份:1970
  • 更新:2024-02-23
  • 簡(jiǎn)介:  Eric Braeden stars as Dr. Charles Forbin, who has created a supercomputer named Colossus, built solely for the purpose of controlling the nuclear defenses of the Western alliance. It isn't too long after, however, that the Russians announce that they too have built a similar computer for those same purposes on their side--Guardian. And when the two machines begin sharing information at a speed nobody can believe, an attempt is made to disable them.  This unfortunately just raises the machines' ire; and in retaliation, they launch their weapons at each other's home nations. The result is a chilling scenario that is potentially becoming all too real these days.  COLOSSUS: THE FORBIN PROJECT was not a big hit at the box office for various reasons. One is that its cast wasn't exactly well known. Another reason is that its ending isn't exactly a happy one. Still a third reason is that Universal had trouble trying to promote it in the wake of the huge success of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. The latter reason is obvious: Colossus and Guardian, like HAL in the Kubrick movie, become central characters here. The difference here is that while HAL malfunctions due to a programming conflict, Colossus and Guardian remain all too stable, convinced beyond a doubt that they know how to protect Mankind better than Man himself. As the computers point out: "One inevitable rule is that Mankind is his own worst enemy."  Joseph Sargent's direction is efficient, and the special effects work of Albert Whitlock still manages to work despite its obvious age. An overlooked gem in the sci-fi genre, this should be given a revival.


  • 劇情介紹
  Eric Braeden stars as Dr. Charles Forbin, who has created a supercomputer named Colossus, built solely for the purpose of controlling the nuclear defenses of the Western alliance. It isn't too long after, however, that the Russians announce that they too have built a similar computer for those same purposes on their side--Guardian. And when the two machines begin sharing information at a speed nobody can believe, an attempt is made to disable them.  This unfortunately just raises the machines' ire; and in retaliation, they launch their weapons at each other's home nations. The result is a chilling scenario that is potentially becoming all too real these days.  COLOSSUS: THE FORBIN PROJECT was not a big hit at the box office for various reasons. One is that its cast wasn't exactly well known. Another reason is that its ending isn't exactly a happy one. Still a third reason is that Universal had trouble trying to promote it in the wake of the huge success of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY. The latter reason is obvious: Colossus and Guardian, like HAL in the Kubrick movie, become central characters here. The difference here is that while HAL malfunctions due to a programming conflict, Colossus and Guardian remain all too stable, convinced beyond a doubt that they know how to protect Mankind better than Man himself. As the computers point out: "One inevitable rule is that Mankind is his own worst enemy."  Joseph Sargent's direction is efficient, and the special effects work of Albert Whitlock still manages to work despite its obvious age. An overlooked gem in the sci-fi genre, this should be given a revival.龍興影視網(wǎng)收集自其他網(wǎng)站發(fā)布。)


  • HD星際旅行8:第一類(lèi)接觸帕特里克·斯圖爾特,喬納森·弗雷克斯,布倫特·斯皮內,萊瓦爾·伯頓,邁克爾·多恩,蓋茨·麥克法登,瑪麗娜·賽提斯,阿爾法·伍達德,詹姆斯·克倫威爾,艾麗絲·克里奇,MichaelHorton,尼爾·麥克唐納,馬尼耶·麥克費爾,羅伯特·皮卡多,德懷特·舒爾茨
  • HD哈利·波特與死亡圣器(上)(普通話(huà)版)丹尼爾·雷德克里夫,艾瑪·沃森,魯伯特·格林特,海倫娜·伯翰·卡特,拉爾夫·費因斯,比爾·奈伊,約翰·赫特,艾倫·瑞克曼,艾美達·斯丹頓,費奧納·肖,邦妮·懷特,朱麗·沃特斯,米歇爾·費爾利,杰米·坎貝爾·鮑爾
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