


  • 主演:波利斯·卡洛夫,杰克·尼科爾森,桑德拉·奈特,迪克·米勒,多蘿西·諾伊曼,喬納森·海茲  
  • 導演:羅杰·科曼,弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉,蒙特·赫爾曼  
  • 分類(lèi): 恐怖片
  • 地區:美國
  • 年份:1963
  • 更新:2024-02-23
  • 簡(jiǎn)介:  一個(gè)年輕的拿破侖軍官追蹤一個(gè)神秘的女人而來(lái)到一個(gè)年邁男爵的城堡,在那里他發(fā)現這個(gè)女人是聽(tīng)命于一個(gè)老巫婆,其最終目的是迫使男爵自殺……  Roger directed for two days on a set left over from a previous production, and without a proper script. He hired Francis Coppola to write a script and finish the picture. After five weeks of shooting, Roger fired Francis, and hired me to finish the picture. Jack Hill was hired to write a new script with me. A lot of what Francis shot was thrown out, except for the stuff with the witch from WIZARD OF OZ. (Dorothy Newman), and I finished the picture in five days of shooting. All of the interiors are Roger's (with the exception of Francis's witch's lair), and most of the exteriors are mine. To the best of my recollection, and contrary to legend, Jack Nicholson did not direct any of the film.


  • 劇情介紹
  一個(gè)年輕的拿破侖軍官追蹤一個(gè)神秘的女人而來(lái)到一個(gè)年邁男爵的城堡,在那里他發(fā)現這個(gè)女人是聽(tīng)命于一個(gè)老巫婆,其最終目的是迫使男爵自殺……  Roger directed for two days on a set left over from a previous production, and without a proper script. He hired Francis Coppola to write a script and finish the picture. After five weeks of shooting, Roger fired Francis, and hired me to finish the picture. Jack Hill was hired to write a new script with me. A lot of what Francis shot was thrown out, except for the stuff with the witch from WIZARD OF OZ. (Dorothy Newman), and I finished the picture in five days of shooting. All of the interiors are Roger's (with the exception of Francis's witch's lair), and most of the exteriors are mine. To the best of my recollection, and contrary to legend, Jack Nicholson did not direct any of the film.龍興影視網(wǎng)收集自其他網(wǎng)站發(fā)布。)


  • HD中字斷掌事件本鄉奏多,高梨臨,松尾敏伸,柳生美結,山中聰,鳥(niǎo)肌實(shí),夏生夕菜,中田圭,長(cháng)塚圭史
  • HD國語(yǔ)法醫秦明之亡命救贖鄧飛,袁祥仁,閆鵬,希童,黃皓達,閆藝瀧
  • HD嗜血重生SarahFarooqui,ChrisIvanCevic,AlexPetrovitch,米歇爾·莫羅
  • HD中字紅色小提琴卡洛·切基,讓-呂克·比多,張艾嘉,Christoph,Koncz,杰森·弗萊明,塞繆爾·杰克遜,陶虹,吳珊卓
  • HD中字金福南殺人事件始末徐英姬,池成媛,樸政學(xué),白秀蓮,黃民浩,??,李芝恩,蔡詩(shī)賢,裴晟祐
  • HD中字看見(jiàn)惡魔李秉憲,崔岷植,金詩(shī)云,千虎珍,李浚赫,南寶拉,吳山荷,尹彩英,金甲洙,崔武成,嚴泰九,尹勝雅,崔鎮浩,河勝理,金英善,鄭智允,金彩妍
  • HD中字恐怖解剖室米洛·文堤米利亞,邁克爾·溫斯頓,艾莉莎·米蘭諾,勞倫·李·史密斯
  • HD死魂靈АлександрТрофимов,АлександрКалягин,ВиталийШаповалов
  • HD死女希羅·弗南德茲,諾阿·西甘,邁克爾·鮑文
  • HD機械女卡莉斯塔·弗洛克哈特,理查德·勞斯伯格,埃倫娜·安納亞
  • HD中字盲流感馬克·魯弗洛,朱麗安·摩爾,艾莉絲·布拉加,蓋爾·加西亞·貝納爾,伊勢谷友介,木村佳乃,Eduardo,Semerjian,唐·麥凱勒,道格拉斯·席爾瓦,丹尼爾·澤托,喬·平格,蘇珊·柯尼,Fabiana,Guglielmetti,丹尼·格洛弗
  • HD算計七天的死亡游戲藤原龍也,綾瀨遙,石原里美,阿部力,武田真治,平山綾,石井正則,大野拓朗,片平渚,北大路欣也

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