


  • 主演:珍妮弗·拉弗勒,艾莉克希婭·拉斯姆森,斯蒂芬·普朗科特  
  • 導演:Drew,Britton  
  • 分類(lèi): 恐怖片
  • 地區:美國
  • 年份:2022
  • 更新:2024-02-22
  • 簡(jiǎn)介:   Working hard to support her daughter, Monica's a single mother trying to make ends meet while trapped in rural poverty. From years of struggling and feeling confined, she becomes anxious that she still has a chance to leave. But the surroundings begin to take hold as she gets caught in threatening circumstances. She starts to feel suffocated and loses trust in the people around her as the desire to leave and obtain a better life for herself and daughter becomes more perilous.


  • 劇情介紹
   Working hard to support her daughter, Monica's a single mother trying to make ends meet while trapped in rural poverty. From years of struggling and feeling confined, she becomes anxious that she still has a chance to leave. But the surroundings begin to take hold as she gets caught in threatening circumstances. She starts to feel suffocated and loses trust in the people around her as the desire to leave and obtain a better life for herself and daughter becomes more perilous.龍興影視網(wǎng)收集自其他網(wǎng)站發(fā)布。)


  • HD冤魂復仇Richie,Stephens,勞拉·弗蘭納里,Brittany,Lucio
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  • HD機翻先驅者艾琳·貝達,凱特·魯賓,蒂爾·雷德曼
  • HD在家更安全喬斯林·休頓,艾瑪·拉哈娜,艾麗薩·艾拉帕奇,愛(ài)迪威·布朗,丹·J·約翰遜,布蘭頓·莫拉萊斯,邁克爾·庫皮斯克,丹尼爾·羅貝爾
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  • HD生死抉擇Kristine,Blackport

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