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  Directed by: Saro Varjabedian                                                                      Synopsis: Jimmy Baz, a down-and-out private-eye is reluctantly hired by the parents of a missing college aged boy to find their son. As Jimmy searches for the missing boy he stumbles upon a series of murders and now believes he is on the hunt for a serial killer targeting muslim men. Things take a sinister turn as his investigation leads him into the underworld of Bachi Basi, the taboo Afghani practice of child sex trafficking of young boys that are made to resemble young girls.                                                                      Starring: Monte Bezell, Julián Juaquín, Ahmet Devran Dayanc, Haythem Noor, Leslie Kalarchian, Baylen Thomas, Guillermo Iván, Chris LaPanta, Ryan Jonze, Shimavon Atamian, Carter Redwood, Zair Montes, Gina Tuttle, Karina Bezell, Donald Paul, Bari Kang, Stéphanie De Latour, Fajer Al-Kaisi, Gloria Mamurov, Damien Stewart, Maksim Mamurov, Paul Mauriello, Michael J. Doyl, Mesba Antonio, Steven LaCicero, Germain Pacheco, Jen Chen, Joseph Murray, Siraj Huda, James Lawson, Joel A. Luna, Francisco Valdez, Gelasio Duenas, Daniel Stagliano                                                                      About Us: Gravitas Ventures is a worldwide film distributor & collaborator with thousands of independent artists. Past films include: Sound City, Armstrong, Above The Shadows, The River and the Wall, and many more. Gravitas Ventures is a Red Arrow Studios company.


  • HD狄仁杰之借尸還魂于波,胡雪兒
  • 正片日班獵人杰米·??怂?戴夫·弗蘭科,史努比狗狗,劉承羽,史蒂夫·豪威,斯科特·阿金斯,梅根·古德,Tetiana,Gaidar,卡拉·索薩,埃里克·蘭格,奧利弗·馬蘇奇,李升熙,Danielle,Kennedy,馬西·弗倫,J.C.,Wendel,西安·布羅德納克斯
  • HD太極之異獸冢白那日蘇,侯佩杉
  • HD哥斯拉:怪獸行星宮野真守,櫻井孝宏,花澤香菜,杉田智和,梶裕貴,諏訪(fǎng)部順一,小野大輔,三宅健太,堀內賢雄,中井和哉,山路和弘,山本兼平,高橋伸也,堀越富三郎,柳田淳一,石谷春貴,須崎成幸,濱崎奈奈,菅原雅芳,內野孝聰,小松奈生子,洲崎綾,各務(wù)立基,平真澄,雞冠井美智子,渡邊遙,濱野大輝,小澤亞李
  • 正片殺死比爾烏瑪·瑟曼,劉玉玲,薇薇卡·??怂?達麗爾·漢納,大衛·卡拉丁,邁克爾·馬德森,朱莉·德賴(lài)弗斯,栗山千明,千葉真一,劉家輝,邁克爾·帕克斯,邁克爾·鮑文,國村隼,大葉健二,風(fēng)祭由紀
  • HD大力神重生約翰·赫寧甘
  • HD火線(xiàn)干探之革命埃爾多岡·阿塔雷,文森茲·凱弗,馬克·霍澤曼,羅曼·尼澤卡,克利斯汀·特舍,亞歷山大·謝爾,Kai,Scheve,卡蒂婭·沃伊伍德,Gottfried,Vollmer,Katrin,He?,Daniela,Wutte,Niels,Kurvin,卡莉娜·N.維斯,Markus,Berger,Salvatore,Cancemi,納迪婭·希爾克,Christopher,Kohn
  • HD末日重啟丹·史蒂文斯,貝納尼絲·瑪爾洛,麥克·魯斯,巴斯·凱杰澤,泰格·格南德特,吉斯·舒爾騰·范·艾查特,查麗蒂·維克菲爾德,卡斯帕·范·格里森,麥克·利伯農
  • HD全球風(fēng)暴杰拉德·巴特勒
  • HD十三陵傳人之英雄本色許君聰,卜鈺,姜彥希,東陽(yáng),翁卡特
  • HD雙截龍白潔,田爽,肖皓天
  • HD萬(wàn)劫不復周逸之,田·,薇拉莉,高雄,帕特里克·薩邦圭,Samuel,Patrick,Chu,Paul,Lazenby,庫蒂斯·倫姆,朱國安,Johnson,Phan,黃仁勛,布萊恩·何,菲利普·米切爾,Vicky,Huang,Jason,William,Day,Paul,Wu

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